Monday 21 May 2007

the great the time............see me change.. i was a naughty kid with some of my weight but time got me and gave me more flesh.. i am proud that i am fat these days..
who knows after will be like before if that damn time again flow against.......fuck the time...........

Wednesday 16 May 2007


hope i can transform my + to childhood has something to do with it..
rock cutieee.........u have to....

now he is bald
flag round the head, love in the heart and nakedness ahead proud to be nepali.......

a trip to mangsang

time: 07:20am
place: mangsang(south korea)
achievement: swelling feet, some domestic medications, an experience, an encounter
with nature, an early sunrise, a good taste of korean food and a new me

u bug head.....get ur antenna on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mars is there for u
welcome to earth

cut ur beard u fucking shit...

Tuesday 1 May 2007